parshat Lech Lecha
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Avraham feared that the nation of Israel would sin and thereby lose the Land of Israel, so he asked, "Whereby shall I know?" How can I know that the Nation of Israel will merit having the land of Israel?
How perfect were the matriarchs and patriarchs?
In an extraordinary series of observations on this week’s parsha, Ramban delivers harsh criticisms of Abraham and Sarah. What is deeply interesting about Ramban’s approach is his willingness to point out flaws in their behaviour. -
How perfect were the matriarchs and patriarchs?
In an extraordinary series of observations Ramban delivers harsh criticisms of Abraham and Sarah. What is deeply interesting about Ramban’s approach is his willingness to point out flaws in their behaviour. -
Understanding Avraham
A Shiur by Rabbi Zlaman Baruch Melamed for the weekly Torah reading of "Lech Lecha". -
The Courage not to Conform
A Shiur by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks for the weekly Torah reading of "Lech Lecha".
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